Care Release of the pericardium

Care in Liberation of the Pericardium

To be free
To be animated
To be re-animated in full life.
To live fully
For that to vibrate

To be oneself simply.

The liberation of the pericardium is to open oneself to life.

Montserrat Gascon has developed a bio energetic osteopathy technique that gives suppleness to the pericardium which is the membrane that envelops the heart. This protection cash "shocks", injuries, emotions, ...
This treatment releases the emotional charges that are engrammed in the material and gives back to the pericardium all its extension.

In our body are written memories. The work in cellular memories allows the listening, the recognition and therefore the release in each cell that constitutes us. Finding the lesion helps to lift the energy blockage. Certain vibrations at key locations restore fluidity to the flow of energy.

It is a multi-dimensional holistic care that touches the being deep in matter (on the physical body) but also on the most ethereal (on all subtle bodies).
Beyond our beliefs and without preconceived ideas, ALL IS POSSIBLE. Quantum medicine opens new doors to the invisible with a new understanding because explicable.
The right thing is to experiment with this alternative medicine care to get your own idea of what is going on.

One or more sessions. It's you who choose. A session frees blockages and allows to restore fluidity. Several sessions if they are part of a global approach allow a deeper release, as well as a successive opening of the different plans of the being that brings a new consciousness.

The sessions are intended for all audiences: from babies to older children.
The duration of the session is 1:30. RATE = 60 €

Be cared for with attention for the other and without intention. ANAYAWAKA: "Remember who you are"

The care I propose is complementary to classical medicine and does not replace it in any case. I practice this care outside of any religious belief.

Montserrat GASCON:

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